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Improperia (Popule meus)

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; '''Testo latino'''
'''Popule meus, quid feci tibi?'''<br />'''Aut in quo contristavi te? Responde mihi!'''<br />
''Quia eduxi te de terra Aegypti:''<br />
''parasti Crucem Salvatori tuo.''<br />
'''Hagios o Theos'''<br />'''Sanctus Deus'''<br />'''Hagios Ischyros'''<br />'''Sanctus Fortis'''<br />'''Hagios Athanatos, eleison hymas'''<br />'''Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis.'''<br />
''Quia eduxi te per desertum quadraginta annis,''<br />
''parasti Crucem Salvatori tuo.''<br />
'''Hagios o Theos'''<br />'''Sanctus Deus'''<br />'''Hagios Ischyros'''<br />'''Sanctus Fortis'''<br />'''Hagios Athanatos, eleison hymas'''<br />'''Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis.'''<br />
''Quid ultra debui facere tibi, et non feci?''<br />
''et lancea perforasti latus Salvatori tuo.''<br />
'''Hagios o Theos'''<br />'''Sanctus Deus'''<br />'''Hagios Ischyros'''<br />'''Sanctus Fortis'''<br />'''Hagios Athanatos, eleison hymas'''<br />'''Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis.'''<br />
''Ego propter te flagellavi Aegyptum cum primogenitis suis:''<br />
''et tu me flagellatum tradidisti.''<br />
'''Popule meus, quid feci tibi?'''<br />'''Aut in quo contristavi te? Responde mihi!'''<br />
''Ego te eduxi de Aegypto, demerso Pharaone in Mare Rubrum:''<br />
''et tu me tradidisti principibus sacerdotum.''<br />
'''Popule meus, quid feci tibi?'''<br />'''Aut in quo contristavi te? Responde mihi!'''<br />
''Ego ante te aperui mare:''<br />
''et tu aperuisti lancea latus meum.''<br />
'''Popule meus, quid feci tibi?'''<br />'''Aut in quo contristavi te? Responde mihi!'''<br />
''Ego ante te præivi in columna nubis:''<br />
''et tu me duxisti ad prætorium Pilati.''<br />
'''Popule meus, quid feci tibi?'''<br />'''Aut in quo contristavi te? Responde mihi!'''<br />
''Ego te pavi manna per desertum:''<br />
''et tu me cecidisti alapis et flagellis.''<br />
'''Popule meus, quid feci tibi?'''<br />'''Aut in quo contristavi te? Responde mihi!'''<br />
''Ego te potavi aqua salutis de petra:''<br />
''et tu me potasti felle et aceto.''<br />
'''Popule meus, quid feci tibi?'''<br />'''Aut in quo contristavi te? Responde mihi!'''<br />
''Ego propter te Chananaeorum reges percussi:''<br />
''et tu percussisti arundine caput meum.''<br />
'''Popule meus, quid feci tibi?'''<br />'''Aut in quo contristavi te? Responde mihi!'''<br />
''Ego dedi tibi sceptrum regale:''<br />
''et tu dedisti capiti meo spineam coronam.''<br />
'''Popule meus, quid feci tibi?'''<br />'''Aut in quo contristavi te? Responde mihi!'''<br />
''Ego te exaltavi magna virtute:''<br />
''et tu me suspendisti in patibulo Crucis.''<br />
'''Popule meus, quid feci tibi?'''<br />'''Aut in quo contristavi te? Responde mihi!'''<br />
; '''Traduzione in lingua italiana'''<ref>Tratto da</ref>
Popolo mio, che ti ho fatto?<br />
In cosa ti ho contrariato? Rispondimi.<br />
; '''English Translation'''<ref>Tratto da</ref>TextO my people, what have I done to you?<br />Or how have I offended you? Answer me.<br /> Because I led thee out of the land of Egypt:<br />thou hast prepared a Cross for thy Saviour.<br /> O Holy God.<br />O Holy God.<br />O Holy Strong One.<br />O Holy Strong One.<br />O Holy and Immortal, have mercy upon us.<br />O Holy and Immortal, have mercy upon us.<br /> Because I led thee through the desert for forty years:<br />and fed thee with manna, and brought thee into a land exceeding good:<br />thou hast prepared a Cross for thy Saviour.<br /> O Holy God.<br />O Holy God.<br />O Holy Strong One.<br />O Holy Strong One.<br />O Holy and Immortal, have mercy upon us.<br />O Holy and Immortal, have mercy upon us.<br /> What more ought I to have done for thee, that I have not done?<br />I planted thee, indeed, My most beautiful vineyard:<br />and thou hast become exceeding bitter to me:<br />for in my thirst thou gavest me vinegar to drink:<br />and with a spear thou hast pierced the side of thy Saviour.<br /> O Holy God.<br />O Holy God.<br />O Holy Strong One.<br />O Holy Strong One.<br />O Holy and Immortal, have mercy upon us.<br />O Holy and Immortal, have mercy upon us.<br /> For thy sake I scourged the firstborn of Egypt:<br />Thou hast given me up to be scourged.<br /> O my people, what have I done to you?<br />Or how have I offended you? Answer me.<br /> I led thee out of Egypt having drowned Pharaoh in the Red Sea:<br />and thou hast delivered Me to the chief priests.<br /> O my people, what have I done to you?<br />Or how have I offended you? Answer me.<br /> I opened the sea before thee:<br />and thou hast opened my side with a spear.<br /> O my people, what have I done to you?<br />Or how have I offended you? Answer me.<br /> I went before thee in a pillar of cloud:<br />and thou hast led me to the judgment hall of Pilate.<br /> O my people, what have I done to you?<br />Or how have I offended you? Answer me.<br /> I fed thee with manna in the desert;<br />and thou hast assaulted me with blows and scourges.<br /> O my people, what have I done to you?<br />Or how have I offended you? Answer me.<br /> I gave thee the water of salvation from the rock:<br />and thou hast given me gall and vinegar to drink.<br /> O my people, what have I done to you?<br />Or how have I offended you? Answer me.<br /> For thy sake I struck the kings of the Canaanites:<br />and thou hast struck my head with a reed.<br /> O my people, what have I done to you?<br />Or how have I offended you? Answer me.<br /> I gave thee a royal sceptre:<br />and thou hast given a crown of thorns for my head.<br /> O my people, what have I done to you?<br />Or how have I offended you? Answer me.<br /> I exalted thee with great strength;<br />and thou hast hanged me on the gibbet of the cross.<br /> O my people, what have I done to you?<br />Or how have I offended you? Answer me.<br />
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== Video ==
== Codice sorgente GABC ==
=== Popule meus ===
name:Improperia - Popule meus;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, pag 176;
transcriber:Stefano Ferri;
(c4) PO(c)pu(de)le(efED'd) me(cd)us,(d.) (,) quid(e!fwg) fe(ggf)ci(e) ti(f_e)bi?(de..) (;)
Aut(c) in(e) quo(ixgv.hihghg) con(fe~)tri(fg)stá(e)vi(fg) te?(efED'd) (;) Re(c)spón(efe)de(dc) mi(ef)hi.(d.) (::)
<sp>V/</sp>.() Qui(deD'C)a(c) e(e!fwg)dú(ggf)xi(ef) te(dde.) (,) de(ce) ter(g)ra(ixgv.hihghg) Æ(fe)gý(fg)pti :(e.) (;) pa(ce)rá(ixgv.hihghg)sti(e) Cru(fg)cem(ef!gvFE.) (,) Sal(fe~)va(f)tó(ghg)ri(f) tu(gf)o.(efg..) (::)
=== Hagios o Théos ===
name:Improperia - Popule meus - Hagios...;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, pag 176;
transcriber:Stefano Ferri;
(c4) Ha(g[alt:Primus chorus:])gi-(fe) os(fgffe) o(c) The-(d)òs.(fghvhg.) (::)
San(g[alt:Secundus chorus:])ctus(fgffe) De-(cd)us.(fghvhg.) (::Z)
Ha(g[alt:Primus chorus:])gi-(fe) os(fgffe) Is(c)chy-(d)ròs.(fghvhg.) (::)
San(g[alt:Secundus chorus:])ctus(fgffe) For(cd)tis.(fghvhg.) (::Z)
Ha(gh[alt:Primus chorus:])gi-(g)os(ixhg/hiHG'g) A(f)thà(g)na-(h)tos,(hiwjvIHiih.) (;) e-(g)lè-(hjjvIH')i-(g)son(hg/h_g) hy-(fd)màs.(fghvhvg.) (::Z)
San(gh[alt:Secundus chorus:])ctus(ixhg/hiHG'g) Im(f)nor(g)tà-(h)lis,(hiwjvIHiih.) (;) mi-(g)se-(hjjvIH')rè-(g)re(hg/h_g) no-(fd)bis.(fghvhvg.) (::)
=== Quia eduxi te... ===
name:Improperia - Popule meus - Quia eduxi te...;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, pag 177;
transcriber:Stefano Ferri;
(c4) QUi-(deD'C)a(c) e-(efwg)dù-(ggf)xi(ef) te(dde.) (,) per(c) de-(e)sèr-(ixgv.hihghg)tum(f_e) (,) qua-(fe)dra-(fg)gìn(fe~)ta(fg) an-(ffe~)nis,(e.) (;) et(f) man(de)na(d) ci-(dc)bà(df)vi(de) te,(ffe.) (;) et(e) in(g)tro-(gh)dù-(hg)xi(e) in(g) ter-(ffe)ram(e.) sa-(fe)tis(dc) òp(df)ti(de)mam:(ffe.) (;) pa(ce)rà-(ixgv.hihghg)sti(e) Cru(fg)cem(efgvFE.) (,) Sal(fe~)va-(f)tò-(ghg)ri(f) tu-(gf)o.(ef.g.) (::)
=== Quid ultra... ===
name:Improperia - Popule meus - Quid ultra...;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, pag 178;
transcriber:Stefano Ferri;
(c4) QUid(c) ul(de~)tra(d) dè-(efwg)bu-(fe)i(e) fà-(f)ce-(ed)re(de) ti-(e)bi,(d_c) (,)
et(d) non(de) fe-(ed)ci?(ccd.) (:) E-(deD'C)go(c) qui-(ef)dem(e_d) plan-(efwg)tà-(g_f)vi(ef) te(d.) (,) vì-(e)ne(c)am(d) me-(fg)am(g_f~) spe-(gh)ci-(hg)o-(fe)sìs(de)si-(dc)mam:(c.) (,) et(cd) tu(fg) fac(gf)ta(gh) es(h) mi-(h)hi(g.) ni-(f_e)mis(d) a(e)mà-(dd)ra:(c.) (:) a-(d)cè-(c)to(df) nam(f_e)que(d.) (,) si-(e)tim(f) me-(d)am(e) po-(fe)tà(de)sti:(d.c.) (;) et(cd) làn(fg) ce-(f)a(f) per(f)fo-(gh)rà(h)sti(g) la-(fe)tus(d_f) (,) Sal(fe~)va-(f)tò-(ghg)ri(f) tu-(gf)o.(ef.g.) (::) (g+)
=== Ego te propter... ===
name:Ego propter te;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 228 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 739;
transcriber:Sebastian Malton;
(c4) E(c)go(de) pro(e)pter(e) te(e) fla(e)gel(e)lá(e)vi(e) Æ(e)gý(d)ptum(e.) (,) cum(e) pri(e)mo(f)gé(g)ni(f)tis(f) su(evDC)is :(c.) (;) et(c) tu(d_e) me(e) fla(e)gel(e)lá(e)tum(ed) tra(f)di(d)dí(ef)sti.(edeDC.) (::) (c+)
=== Popule meus ===
name:Improperia - Popule meus - II;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, pag 179;
transcriber:Stefano Ferri;
(c4) PO(c)pu(de)le(efED'd) me(cd)us,(d.) (,) quid(e!fwg) fe(ggf)ci(e) ti(f_e)bi?(de..) (;)
Aut(c) in(e) quo(ixgv.hihghg) con(fe~)tri(fg)stá(e)vi(fg) te?(efED'd) (;z) Re(c)spón(efe)de(dc) mi(ef)hi.(d.) (::)
=== Ego te eduxi... ===
name:Ego propter te;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 228 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 739;
transcriber:Sebastian Malton;
(c4) E(c)go(de) te(e) e(e)dú(e)xi(e) de(e) Æ(e)gý(d)pto,(e.) (,) de(c)mér(de)so(e) Pha(e)ra(e)ó(e)ne(e) in(f) ma(g)re(f) Ru(evDC)brum :(c.) (;) et(c) tu(d_e) me(e) tra(e)di(e)dí(e)sti(e.) (,) prin(e)cí(e)pi(e)bus(ed) sa(f)cer(d)dó(ef)tum.(edeDC.) (::)
=== Ego ante te aperui... ===
name:Ego propter te;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 228 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 739;
transcriber:Sebastian Malton;
(c4) E(c)go(de) an(e)te(e) te(e) a(f)pé(g)ru(f)i(f) ma(evDC)re :(c.) (;) et(c) tu(d_e) a(e)pe(e)ru(e)í(e)sti(e) lán(e)ce(e)a(ed) la(f)tus(d) me(ef)um.(edeDC.) (::) (c+) Pópule meus.()
=== Ego ante te praeivi... ===
name:Ego propter te;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 228 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 739;
transcriber:Sebastian Malton;
(c4) E(c)go(de) an(e)te(e) te(e) prae(d)í(e)vi(e.) (,) in(e) co(f)lú(g)mna(f) nu(evDC)bis :(c.) (;) et(c) tu(d_e) me(e) du(e)xí(e)sti(e.) (,) ad(e) prae(e)tó(e)ri(ed)um(f) Pi(d)lá(ef)ti.(edeDC.) (::) (c+) Pópule meus.()
=== Ego te pavi... ===
name:Ego propter te;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 228 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 739;
transcriber:Sebastian Malton;
(c4) E(c)go(de) te(e) pa(e)vi(e) man(e)na(f) per(g) de(f)sér(evDC)tum :(c.) (;) et(c) tu(d_e) me(e) ce(e)ci(e)dí(e)sti(e.) (,) á(e)la(e)pis(ed) et(f) fla(d)gél(ef)lis.(edeDC.) (::) (c+) Pópule meus.()
=== Ego te potavi... ===
name:Ego propter te;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 228 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 739;
transcriber:Sebastian Malton;
(c4) E(c)go(de) te(e) po(e)tá(e)vi(e.) (,) a(e)qua(e) sa(f)lú(g)tis(f) de(f) pe(evDC)tra :(c.) (;) et(c) tu(d_e) me(e) po(e)tá(e)sti(e.) (,) fel(e)le(ed) et(f) a(d)cé(ef)to.(edeDC.) (::) Pò(c)pu(de)le(efED'd) me(cd)us,(d.) (,) quid(e!fwg) fe(ggf)ci(e) ti(f_e)bi?(de..) (;)
Aut(c) in(e) quo(ixgv.hihghg) con(fe~)tri(fg)stá(e)vi(fg) te?(efED'd) (;) Re(c)spón(efe)de(dc) mi(ef)hi.(d.) (::) (c+)
=== Ego proter te, Chananaeorum... ===
name:Ego propter te;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 228 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 739;
transcriber:Sebastian Malton;
(c4) E(c)go(de) pro(e)pter(e) te(e.) (,) Cha(e)na(e)nae(e)ó(e)rum(f) re(g)ges(f) per(f)cús(evDC)si :(c.) (;) et(c) tu(d_e) per(e)cus(e)sí(e)sti(e.) (,) a(e)rún(e)di(e)ne(ed) ca(f)put(d) me(ef)um.(edeDC.) (::) (c+) Pópule meus.()
=== Ego dedi tibi... ===
name:Ego propter te;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 228 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 739;
transcriber:Sebastian Malton;
(c4) E(c)go(de) de(e)di(e) ti(e)bi(f) sce(g)ptrum(f) re(f)gá(evDC)le :(c.) (;) et(c) tu(d_e) de(e)dí(e)sti(e) cá(e)pi(e)ti(e) me(e)o(e.) (,) spí(e)ne(ed)am(f) co(d)ró(ef)nam.(edeDC.) (::) (c+) Pópule meus.()
=== Ego te exaltavi... ===
name:Ego propter te;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 228 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 739;
transcriber:Sebastian Malton;
(c4) E(c)go(de) te(e) ex(e)al(e)tá(e)vi(f) ma(g)gna(f) vir(f)tú(evDC)te :(c.) (;) et(c) tu(d_e) me(e) sus(e)pen(e)dí(e)sti(e.) (,) in(e) pa(ed)tí(f)bu(e)lo(d) Cru(ef)cis.(edeDC.) (::) (c+) Pópule meus.()

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