== Codice sorgente GABC ==
codicename:Ave Regina caelorum (simple tone);office-part:Antiphona;mode:6;book:The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 278 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 88;transcriber:Andrew Hinkley;%%(c4) A(f)ve(e') Re(d)gí(c')na(d) cæ(f')ló(g)rum,(f.) *(;) A(h')ve(j) Dó(ixi')mi(g)na(h') An(g)ge(f')ló(h)rum:(g.) (;) Sal(f)ve(e') rá(d)dix,(c') sal(d)ve(f') por(g)ta,(f'_) (;) Ex(h) qua(g') mun(ixi)do(h') lux(g) est(d') or(g)ta:(f.) (:) Gau(f)de(g') Vir(h)go(h') glo(g)ri(h')ó(ixi)sa,(h'_) (;) Su(j)per(ixi') o(h)mnes(g') spe(f)ci(d')ó(g)sa:(f.) (:) Va(ixi)le,(h') o(g) val(ixi)de(h') de(g)có(f!gwh)ra,(h.) (;) Et(j) pro(ixi) no(ixi!jk)bis(h'_) Chri(h)stum(g') ex(f)ó(gg)ra.(f.) (::)
== Bibliografia ==
* Wikipedia.org, versione italiana, https://it.wikipedia.org
* GregoBase project, https://gregobase.selapa.net/