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Hodie Christus natus est (Antiphona)

655 byte aggiunti, 4 anni fa
== Codice sorgente GABC ==
codicename:Hodie Christus natus est;office-part:Antiphona;mode:1;book:The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 413 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 98;transcriber:Andrew Hinkley-Stefano Ferri;%%(c4) HO(f)di(gh)e(h.) *(,) Chri(ixh.g!hwi)stus(h') na(g)tus(fh) est:(h.) (;) hó(f)di(fg)e(g'_) (,) Sal(g)vá(g)tor(g) ap(gh)pá(h)ru(gf)it:(f.) (:) hó(f)di(gh)e(h'_) (,) in(h) ter(h)ra(hg) ca(ixi)nunt(h') An(g)ge(fh)li,(h'_) (;) læ(h)tán(hg)tur(ixi) Ar(h')chán(g)ge(fh)li:(h.) (:) hó(h)di(j)e(j_kJ'IH') (,) ex(h)súl(ixh.g!hwi)tant(h') ju(g)sti,(f_h) (,) dí(f)cen(h)tes:(g_h) (;z) Gló(g_h)ri(fe)a(d) in(e') ex(f)cél(g_h)sis(g) De(fe)o,(dc) al(d)le(fe)lú(d.)ia.(d.) (::)
== Bibliografia ==
* CantualeAntonianum.com, https://www.cantualeantonianum.com/