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Tecum princìpium (Graduale)

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Il brano '''Tecum princìpium''' è il canto ''Graduale'' per la ''Messa della notte di Natale''. Ne riportiamo la versione presente nel ''Graduale Romanum'' (1974) a pag. 4842.
== Testo e traduzioni ==
; '''English Translation'''
TextA prince from the day of your birth<br />on the holy mountains; from the womb<br />before the daybreak I begot you.<br /> The Lord's revelation to my Master:<br />"Sit on my right:<br />I will put your foes<br />beneath your feet."<br />
Spartito gregoriano, impaginato su foglio formato A4:
Spartito disponibile in formato PDF impaginato su foglio A4, [[Media:xxxTecum-principium-Graduale.pdf]]
== Video ==
Versione tratta daxxxGraduale Romanum (1974), ppag. yyy42, cantata da zzzSchola Gregoriana Mediolanensis, Giovanni Vianini.
== Codice sorgente GABC ==
codicename:Tecum principium;office-part:Graduale;mode:2;book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 28 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 393;transcriber:Andrew Hinkley;%%(c3) TE(f)cum(c) prin(f)cí(f)pi(fgF'Efef)um(f.) <clear>*(,) in(hh/ijIH') di(ig'hvF'Ef/hh/if)e(f.) (;) vir(f!gwh)tú(hv.gihghf)tis(gxfegvFE.) (`) tu(e[ll:1]d/fef)ae :(fd/ef!hvvF'E//f!gwh/ihh/fgf.) (:) in(f) splen(e)dó(hh)ri(hji)bus(ihhf.) (,) san(f)ctó(h.f!gwh/i_[oh:h]f/ij)rum,(h_fhv.ghF'Ef.) (;) ex(f) ú(hfh)te(hhh)ro(h.f!gwh!iv.hi/jhh/iih.0) (:) an(hhi~)te(h) lu(h)cí(hg/hi!jvHGhhg)(,)(i_[oh:h]hivHF')fe(f)rum(fhF'Efhhf//hvvGF'hee[ll:1]d.0) (:) gé(de'fhvGF'g)nu(ef)i(hf/h_i) te.(ih/ijI'H) (,) (jh/jkIG'hvF'E//f!gwh!iv.hi'j) (,) (ijijHF'gwhf.1) (::) <sp>V/</sp>. Di(f)xit(h) Dó(hi)mi(i)nus(i) (`) Dó(i)mi(i)no(ij) me(jvI'HG'hvF'E)(,)(ge/f!hh/ijij.)(,)(hj!kvIG'hvF'E//fgF'Ef.)(,)(i!jwk_[hl:1]jkvJI'j)o :(ji..) (:) Se(i!jw!kvJI'jw!kvJI)de(i.) (,) a(i) dex(i)tris(ij) me(j_hjvIH'hf//hhfhv.hhh_f)(,)(hi!jvIHjvIHif)is :(f.) (:) do(hh)nec(h) po(hji)nam(ihhf.) (,) in(f)i(fi)mí(i_[oh:h]f/ij)cos(h_fhv.ghF'Ef.) (,) tu(hf/hhh)os(h.f!gwh!iv.hi/jhh/iih.0) (:) sca(hh)bél(hg/hi!jvHGhhg)(,)(i_[oh:h]hivHF)lum(fhF'Efhhf//hvvGF'hee[ll:1]d.0) (:) pe(de'fhvGF'g)dum(e) *() tu(f)ó(hf/h_i)rum.(i_[uh:l]jH'Ghi..) (,) (ef'hh'jIH'GF'gwhf.1) (::)