Absolve, Domine (Tractus)
Testo e traduzioni
Absolve, Domine, |
Assolvi, Signore, |
Absolve, O Lord, |
Löse, Herr, |
Spartiti musicali
Spartito gregoriano, impaginato su foglio formato A4:
Spartito disponibile in formato PDF impaginato su foglio A4, Media:xxx.pdf
Versione tratta dal Graduale Romanum (1974), pag. 672, tratta dal Canale YouTube GradualeProject.
Codice sorgente GABC
name:Absolve; office-part:Tractus; mode:8; book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 95* & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 1809 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 62; transcriber:Andrew Hinkley; %% (c4) AB(g)sól(g/hih)ve,(g/hhg.) (,) ~~~* Dó(gjjk)mi(h)ne,(gf/ghhg.) (;) á(gj)ni(j)mas(j) ó(j)mni(j)um(j) fi(j)dé(hj)li(j)um(j.) (,) de(j)fun(j)ctó(ik/ljjh)rum(jhhg/hg/jjh/jggf.0) (:) ab(f) o(hj)mni(igh) vín(gf/gh)cu(g)lo(g.) (,) de(g)li(gh/jij)ctó(j.h!iwj)rum.(jjjvIHivHGhg..) (::) <sp>V/</sp>. Et(g) grá(gj)ti(j)a(j) tu(j)a(j.) (,) il(j)lis(j) suc(j)cur(j)rén(ik/ljjh)te,(jhhg/hg/jjh/jggf.0) (:) me(f)re(f)án(hj)tur(igh) e(gf)vá(gh)de(g)re(g.) (,) ju(g)dí(gh)ci(g)um(g) ul(g)ti(gh/jij)ó(j.h!iwj)nis.(jjjvIHivHGhg..) (::) <sp>V/</sp>. Et(g) lu(gj)cis(j) ae(j)tér(ik/ljjh)nae(jhhg/!hg/!jjh/!jggf.0) (:) be(g)a(g)ti(g)tú(h_g/h!iwj)di(ghG'F)ne(f.) *(,) pér(f.0h!iwj'!kv)fru(j)i.(jijHGg'g/hggfg.) (,) (jjjkvJ'IH'/!hg/hjI'HG'ghf.1) (,) (h!iw!jvIH'ihhg.) (::)
- GregoBase project, https://gregobase.selapa.net/
- Graduale Romanum, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1974, pagina 672.
- ↑ Inserisce una nota visibile nell'apposita sezione
- ↑ Link: https://www.angelfire.com/co/canticum/Eng/translation_deceased.html
- ↑ Link: https://gregorien.info/chant/id/65/0/de