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Formula salutationis III

1 186 byte aggiunti, 10 mesi fa
== Codice sorgente GABC ==
name:Dominus vobiscum. [Pax vobis] (A);
office-part:Toni Communes;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 799 & Gregorian Missal, 1990, p. 9;
transcriber:Pierre François;Stefano Ferri;
(c3) DO(h)mi(h)nus(h) vo(h)bís(h)cum.(f.) (::)
<sp>R/</sp>.() Et(h) cum(h) spí(h)ri(h)tu(h) tu(h)o.(f.) (::)
name:Dominus vobiscum. [Pax vobis] (A);
office-part:Toni Communes;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 799 & Gregorian Missal, 1990, p. 9;
transcriber:Pierre François;Stefano Ferri;
(c3) Pax(h) vo(h)bis.(f.) (::) <sp>R/</sp>.() Et(h) cum(h) spí(h)ri(h)tu(h) tu(h)o.(f.) (::)
name:Dominus vobiscum. [Pax vobis] (B);
office-part:Toni Communes;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 799 & Gregorian Missal, 1990, p. 8;
transcriber:Pierre François;Stefano Ferri;
(c4) DO(g)mi(h)nus(h) vo(gh)bís(hg)cum.(g.) (::) <sp>R/</sp>.() Et(g) cum(h) spí(h)ri(g)tu(g') tu(h)o.(h.) (::)
name:Dominus vobiscum. [Pax vobis] (B);
office-part:Toni Communes;
book:Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 799 & Gregorian Missal, 1990, p. 8;
transcriber:Pierre François;Stefano Ferri;
(c4) Pax(gh) vo(hg)bis.(g.) (::) <sp>R/</sp>.() Et(g) cum(h) spí(h)ri(g)tu(g') tu(h)o.(h.) (::)

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