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Lumen ad revelationem gentium (Antiphona)

836 byte aggiunti, 4 anni fa
== Codice sorgente GABC ==
codicename:Lumen ad revelationem;office-part:Antiphona;mode:8;book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 428 & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 1357 & Graduale Romanum, 1974, p. 540;transcriber:Andrew Hinkley-Stefano Ferri;%%(c3) LU(h)men(g') *() ad(e) re(g')ve(h)la(f')ti(e)ó(f')nem(e) gén(f')ti(e)um:(d.) (;) et(d_f) gló(h')ri(h)am(ge) ple(g')bis(h) tu(f')æ(f) Is(g')ra(f)el.(e.) (::z) <i>Cant.</i> N{u}nc(e) di(f)mít(h)tis(h) ser(h)vum(h) tu(h)um,(h) Dó(i)mi(h)ne,(h.) *(:) se(h)cún(h)dum(h) ver(h)bum(h) tu(h)um(g) in(h) pa(f)ce.(e.) (::) Lu(h)men.(g') *(::) (Z)<sp>V/</sp>. 2. Qu{i}(e)a(f) vi(h)dé(h)runt(h) ó(h)cu(h)li(h) me(i)i(h.) *(:) sa(h)lu(h)tá(g)re(h) tu(f)um.(e.) (::) (h+)Lumen...() (Z)<sp>V/</sp>. 3. Qu{o}d(h) pa(h)rá(i)sti(h.) *(:) an(h)te(h) fá(h)ci(h)em(h) ó(h)mni(h)um(h) po(g)pu(h)ló(f)rum.(e.) (::) (h+)Lumen...() (Z)
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