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Differenze tra le versioni di "Te Deum (Tonus Solemnis)"

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Riga 1: Riga 1:
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Questa versione dell'inno '''Te Deum''', presa dal ''Graduale Romanum'' (1975), pag. 838, è nel ''Tono Solenne'' e per rendimento di grazie.
Questa versione dell'inno '''Te Deum''', presa dal ''Graduale Romanum'' (1975), pag. 838, è nel ''Tono Solenne'' e per rendimento di grazie.
Riga 91: Riga 100:
''non saremo confusi in eterno.''
''non saremo confusi in eterno.''
; '''English Translation'''<ref>ICEL (2020)</ref>
O God, we praise you; O Lord, we acclaim you.<br />
Eternal Father, all the earth reveres you.<br />
All the angels, the heavens and the Pow’rs of heaven,<br />
Cherubim and Seraphim cry out to you in endless praise:<br />
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts,<br />
heaven and earth are filled with the majesty of your glory.<br />
The glorious choir of Apostles sings to you,<br />
the noble company of prophets praises you,<br />
the white-robed army of martyrs glorifies you,<br />
Holy Church throughout the earth proclaims you,<br />
Father of boundless majesty,<br />
with your true and only Son, worthy of adoration,<br />
and the Holy Spirit, Paraclete.<br />
You, O Christ, are the King of glory,<br />
you are the Father’s everlasting Son;<br />
when you resolved to save the human race,<br />
you did not spurn the Virgin’s womb;<br />
you overcame the sting of death<br />
and opened wide the Kingdom of Heaven<br />
to those who put their faith in you.<br />
You are seated at the right hand of God<br />
in the glory of the Father.<br />
We believe you are the Judge who is to come.<br />
And so we beg you, help your servants,<br />
redeemed by your most precious blood.<br />
Number them among your saints in eternal glory.<br />
Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance.<br />
Shepherd them and raise them to eternal life.<br />
Day by day, we bless you<br />
and praise your name for endless ages evermore.<br />
Be gracious, Lord, on this day,<br />
and keep us from all sin.<br />
Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy.<br />
May your mercy be upon us, Lord,<br />
as we place our trust in you.<br />
In you, O Lord, I rest my hope:<br />
let me never be put to shame.<br />
Riga 96: Riga 144:
Spartito gregoriano, impaginato su foglio formato A4:
Spartito gregoriano, impaginato su foglio formato A4:
Spartito disponibile in formato PDF impaginato su foglio A4, [[Media:xxx.pdf]]
Spartito disponibile in formato PDF impaginato su foglio A4, [[Media:TeDeumSolemnis.pdf]]
== Video ==
== Video ==
Riga 119: Riga 169:
* Wikipedia.org, versione italiana, https://it.wikipedia.org
* Wikipedia.org, versione italiana, https://it.wikipedia.org
* GregoBase project, https://gregobase.selapa.net/
* GregoBase project, https://gregobase.selapa.net/
* ''Graduale Romanum'', Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1974, pagina 8383.
* ''Graduale Romanum'', Libreria Editrice Vaticana 1974, pagina 838.
== Note ==
== Note ==

Versione attuale delle 17:14, 17 ago 2023


Questa versione dell'inno Te Deum, presa dal Graduale Romanum (1975), pag. 838, è nel Tono Solenne e per rendimento di grazie.


Testo e traduzioni

Testo latino

Te Deum laudamus: te Dominum confitemur.
Te aeternum patrem, omnis terra veneratur.
Tibi omnes angeli,
tibi caeli et universae potestates:
tibi cherubim et seraphim,
incessabili voce proclamant:
"Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt caeli et terra
majestatis gloriae tuae."
Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus,
te prophetarum laudabilis numerus,
te martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus.
Te per orbem terrarum
sancta confitetur Ecclesia,
Patrem immensae maiestatis;
venerandum tuum verum et unicum Filium;
Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum.
Tu rex gloriae, Christe.
Tu Patris sempiternus es Filius.
Tu, ad liberandum suscepturus hominem,
non horruisti Virginis uterum.
Tu, devicto mortis aculeo,
aperuisti credentibus regna caelorum.
Tu ad dexteram Dei sedes, in gloria Patris.
Iudex crederis esse venturus.
Te ergo quaesumus, tuis famulis subveni,
quos pretioso sanguine redemisti.
Aeterna fac cum sanctis tuis in gloria numerari.
Salvum fac populum tuum, Domine,
et benedic hereditati tuae.
Et rege eos, et extolle illos usque in aeternum.
Per singulos dies benedicimus te;
et laudamus nomen tuum in saeculum,
et in saeculum saeculi.
Dignare, Domine, die isto
sine peccato nos custodire.
Miserere nostri, Domine, miserere nostri.
Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos,
quemadmodum speravimus in te.
In te, Domine, speravi:
non confundar in aeternum.

Traduzione liturgica in lingua italiana

Noi ti lodiamo, Dio,
ti proclamiamo Signore.
O eterno Padre,
tutta la terra ti adora.
A te cantano gli angeli
e tutte le potenze dei cieli:
Santo, Santo, Santo
il Signore Dio dell'universo.
I cieli e la terra
sono pieni della tua gloria.
Ti acclama il coro degli apostoli
e la candida schiera dei martiri;
le voci dei profeti si uniscono nella lode;
la santa Chiesa proclama la tua gloria,
adora il tuo unico Figlio
e lo Spirito Santo Paraclito.
O Cristo, re della gloria,
eterno Figlio del Padre,
tu nascesti dalla Vergine Madre
per la salvezza dell'uomo.
Vincitore della morte,
hai aperto ai credenti il regno dei cieli.
Tu siedi alla destra di Dio, nella gloria del Padre.
Verrai a giudicare il mondo alla fine dei tempi.
Soccorri i tuoi figli, Signore,
che hai redento col tuo Sangue prezioso.
Accoglici nella tua gloria
nell'assemblea dei santi.
Salva il tuo popolo, Signore,
guida e proteggi i tuoi figli.
Ogni giorno ti benediciamo,
lodiamo il tuo nome per sempre.
Degnati oggi, Signore,
di custodirci senza peccato.
Sia sempre con noi la tua misericordia:
in te abbiamo sperato.
Pietà di noi, Signore,
pietà di noi.
Tu sei la nostra speranza,
non saremo confusi in eterno.

English Translation[1]

O God, we praise you; O Lord, we acclaim you.
Eternal Father, all the earth reveres you.
All the angels, the heavens and the Pow’rs of heaven,
Cherubim and Seraphim cry out to you in endless praise:
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts,
heaven and earth are filled with the majesty of your glory.
The glorious choir of Apostles sings to you,
the noble company of prophets praises you,
the white-robed army of martyrs glorifies you,
Holy Church throughout the earth proclaims you,
Father of boundless majesty,
with your true and only Son, worthy of adoration,
and the Holy Spirit, Paraclete.
You, O Christ, are the King of glory,
you are the Father’s everlasting Son;
when you resolved to save the human race,
you did not spurn the Virgin’s womb;
you overcame the sting of death
and opened wide the Kingdom of Heaven
to those who put their faith in you.
You are seated at the right hand of God
in the glory of the Father.
We believe you are the Judge who is to come.
And so we beg you, help your servants,
redeemed by your most precious blood.
Number them among your saints in eternal glory.
Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance.
Shepherd them and raise them to eternal life.
Day by day, we bless you
and praise your name for endless ages evermore.
Be gracious, Lord, on this day,
and keep us from all sin.
Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy.
May your mercy be upon us, Lord,
as we place our trust in you.
In you, O Lord, I rest my hope:
let me never be put to shame.

Spartiti musicali

Spartito gregoriano, impaginato su foglio formato A4:



Spartito disponibile in formato PDF impaginato su foglio A4, Media:TeDeumSolemnis.pdf


Versione tratta dal Graduale Romanum (1975), p. 838, canale YouTube GradualeProject.

Codice sorgente GABC

name:Te Deum (Solemn tone);
book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 141* & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 1832 & Cantus selecti, 1957, p. 234*;
transcriber:Andrew Hinkley;
(c4) TE(e) De(gh)um(h) lau(hg)dá(h!iwj)mus:(ih..) *(;) te(e) Dó(gh)mi(h)num(h') con(g)fi(hi)té(ivHG)mur.(g.) (::) Te(gi) æ(h)tér(j')num(i) Pa(hi)trem(h.) (;) o(e)mnis(gh) ter(h)ra(h') ve(g)ne(hi)rá(ivHG)tur.(g.) (::) Ti(gi)bi(h) o(j')mnes(i) An(hi)ge(hg)li,(h.) (;) ti(e)bi(gh) Cæ(h)li(h) et(h) u(h)ni(h)vér(h)sæ(h') po(g)te(hi)stá(ivHG)tes:(g.) (::) Ti(gi)bi(h) Ché(j')ru(i)bim(h) et(h) Sé(hi)ra(hg)phim(h.) (;) in(e)ces(gh)sá(h)bi(h)li(h) vo(h')ce(g) pro(hi)clá(ivHG)mant:(g.) (::) Sanc(g.h!iwj)tus:(ih..) (::) Sanc(g.h!iwj)tus:(ih..) (::) Sanc(eg!h!iwj)tus(ih..) (;) Dó(h)mi(h)nus(h') De(g)us(hi) Sá(i)ba(hg)oth.(g.) (::) Ple(gi)ni(i) sunt(h) cæ(j')li(i) et(h) ter(hi)ra(h.) (;) ma(e)je(gh)stá(h)tis(h) gló(h')ri(g)æ(hi) tu(ivHG)æ.(g.) (::) Te(gih) glo(j')ri(i)ó(hi)sus(h.) (;) A(h)po(h)sto(h')ló(g)rum(hi) cho(ivHG)rus:(g.) (::) Te(gih) Pro(j')phe(i)tá(hi)rum(h.) (;) lau(h)dá(h')bi(g)lis(hi) nú(i)me(hg)rus:(g.) (::) Te(gih) Már(j')tyr(i)um(h') can(h)di(h)dá(hi)tus(h.) (;) lau(h')dat(g) ex(hi)ér(i)ci(hg)tus.(g.) (::) Te(gi) per(h) or(j')bem(i) ter(h)rá(hi)rum(h.) (;) sanc(e)ta(gh) con(h)fi(h)té(h')tur(g) Ec(hi)clé(i)si(hg)a:(g.) (::) Pa(g.h!iwj)trem(ih..) (;) im(h)mén(h)sæ(h') ma(g)je(hi)stá(ivHG)tis:(g.) (::) Ve(gi)ne(h)rán(j')dum(i) tu(h')um(h) ve(hi)rum,(h.) (;) et(h) ú(h')ni(g)cum(hi) Fí(i)li(hg)um:(g.) (::) Sanc(g.h!iwj)tum(i_h) quo(hi)que(h.) (;) Pa(h)rá(h')cli(g)tum(hi) Spí(i)ri(hg)tum.(g.) (::) Tu(gh) Rex(h) gló(hg)ri(h)æ,(hi) (,) Chri(g.)ste.(e.) (::) Tu(e) Pa(gh)tris(h.) (,) sem(h)pi(h)tér(hg)nus(h) es(hi) Fí(g)li(g)us.(e.) (::) Tu(e) ad(gh~) li(h)be(h)rán(h)dum(h) su(h)sce(h)ptú(h')rus(g) hó(h!iwj)mi(ivHG)nem,(h.) (;) non(e) hor(gh)ru(h)í(h)sti(h) Vír(hg)gi(h)nis(hi) ú(g)te(g)rum.(e.) (::) Tu(e) de(gh)ví(h)cto(h) mor(h)tis(h') a(g)cú(h!iwj)le(ivHG)o,(h.) (;) a(e)pe(gh)ru(h)í(h)sti(h) cre(h)dén(i)ti(h)bus(h) re(hg)gna(h) cæ(hi)ló(g.)rum.(e.) (::) Tu(e) ad(gh~) déx(h)te(h)ram(h) De(h')i(g) se(h!iwj)des,(ih..) (;) in(h) gló(hg)ri(h)a(hi) Pa(g.)tris.(e.) (::) Ju(gh)dex(h) cré(hi)de(h)ris(h.) (;) es(hg)se(h) ven(hi)tú(g.)rus.(e.) (::) <alt>All kneel while this verse is sung.</alt> Te(e) er(gh~)go(h) qu<sp>'æ</sp>(h)su(h)mus,(h.) (,) tu(h)is(h) fá(h)mu(h')lis(g) súb(h!iwj)ve(ivHG)ni,(h.) (;) quos(e) pre(gh)ti(h)ó(h)so(h) sán(i)gui(h)ne(hg) re(h)de(hi)mí(g.)sti.(e.) (::) Æ(f)tér(fe)na(df) fac(evDC.) (;) cum(c) Sanc(e)tis(f) tu(g)is(g) in(g) gló(g)ri(g)a(g) nu(h)me(f)rá(gvFE)ri.(e.) (::) Sal(c)vum(df) fac(f) pó(f)pu(f)lum(f) tu(f)um(f) Dó(d)mi(f)ne,(evDC.) (;) et(c) bé(df)ne(f)dic(f) he(f)re(fe)di(d)tá(f)ti(gh) tu(gvFE)æ.(e.) (::) Et(f) re(fe)ge(d) e(f)os,(evDC.) (;) et(c) ex(df)tól(fe)le(d) il(g)los(g.) (,) us(g)que(g) in(h) æ(f)tér(gvFE)num.(e.) (::) Per(e) sín(gh)gu(h)los(hg) di(h!iwj)es,(ih..) (;) be(h)ne(hg)dí(h)ci(hi)mus(g.) te.(e.) (::) Et(e) lau(gh~)dá(h)mus(h) no(h)men(h) tu(h)um(h') in(g) s<sp>'æ</sp>(h!iwj)cu(ivHG)lum,(h.) (;) et(h) in(h) s<sp>'æ</sp>(hg)cu(h)lum(hi) s<sp>'æ</sp>(g)cu(g)li.(e.) (::) Di(e)gná(gh)re(h) Dó(h)mi(h)ne(h) di(h')e(g) i(h!iwj)sto(ih..) (;) si(e)ne(gh) pec(h)cá(h)to(h) nos(hg) cu(h)sto(hi)dí(g.)re.(e.) (::) Mi(e)se(gh)ré(h)re(h) no(h')stri(g) Dó(h!iwj)mi(ivHG)ne,(h.) (;) mi(h)se(hg)ré(h)re(hi) no(g.)stri.(e.) (::) Fi(e)at(gh) mi(h)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(h)a(h) tu(h)a(h.) Dó(h)mi(h')ne(g) su(h!iwj)per(ivHG) nos,(h.) (;) que(e)mád(gh~)mo(h)dum(h) spe(h)rá(hg)vi(h)mus(hi) in(g.) te.(e.) (::) In(c) te(df) Dó(fe)mi(d)ne(f) spe(gh)rá(gf/gf)vi:(ed..) (;) non(c) con(df)fún(fe)dar(dc) in(f) æ(gh)tér(gfgvFE)num.(e.) (::)



  1. ICEL (2020)