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Spartito gregoriano, impaginato su foglio formato A4:
Spartito disponibile in formato PDF impaginato su foglio A4, [[Media:xxxSanctusXVII.pdf]]
=== Codice Sorgente GABC ===
codicename:Sanctus XVII;office-part:Kyriale;mode:5;book:Graduale Romanum, 1961, p. 56* & The Liber Usualis, 1961, p. 61 & Chants of the Church, 1956, p. 42;transcriber:Andrew Hinkley;commentary:XI. s.;%%(c3) SAn(hhf/fe~)ctus,(d.) *(,) Sán(df/hhi)ctus,(h.) (,) Sán(hhf/fe~)ctus(d.) (,) Dó(f)mi(d')nus(f) Dé(hhi)us(h.) Sá(h!iw!jkI'H)ba(ih)oth.(h.) (:) Plé(h')ni(gxg) sunt(gxf!gh) c<sp>'ae</sp>(gxhvGE')li(f) et(ef) tér(ded___)ra(d.) (,) gló(d)ri(fe)a(eh) tú(hih___)a.(h.) (:) Ho(h!iw!jkI'H)sán(ih~)na(gxfg!hvvGE') in(f) ex(ef)cél(ded___)sis.(d.) (:) Be(d)ne(fe)díc(eh)tus(h') qui(h) vé(hi)nit(h.) (,) in(d) nó(fe)mi(eh)ne(h) Dó(hi)mi(h)ni.(h.) (:) Ho(h!iw!jkI'H)sán(ih~)na(gxfg!hvvGE') in(f) ex(ef)cél(ded___)sis.(d.) (::)

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