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14 915 byte aggiunti, 5 anni fa
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This is the CSS for all skins (for all users) on SECTIONS: 1. Indication of namespaces 2. Color classes for content 3. Special pages 4. Main page styling 5. Wikitables, warnings, and other such stylings 6. Templates 7. Some other small things* Impostazioni CSS comuni a tutti indipendentemente dalla skin/ /** * 1. INDICATION OF NAMESPACES * NOTA PER GLI ADMIN: Si prega di non modificare senza preventiva discussione!-------------------------------------------------
/*Pseudo NS Special (light grey) */.action-view.ns--2 #content { background-color: #f4f4f4; }.action-view.ns--2 div.thumb { border-color: #f4f4f4; } /* NS Project + Project_talk (light sky blue) */.action-view.ns-4 #content,.action-view.ns-5 #content { background-color: #f8fcff; }.action-view.ns-4 div.thumb,.action-view.ns-5 div.thumb { border-color: #f8fcff; } /*NS MediaWiki + MediaWiki_talk (light grey) */.action-view.ns-8 #content,.action-view.ns-9 #content { background-color: #f4f4f4; }.action-view.ns-8 div.thumb,.action-view.ns-9 div.thumb { border-color: #f4f4f4; } /* [VE] NS Manual + Manual_talk (light bluish violet) */.action-view.ns-100 #content,.action-view.ns-101 #content { background-color: #f3f3ff; }.action-view.ns-100 div.thumb,.action-view.ns-101 div.thumb { border-color: #f3f3ff; }
/* Nasconde il pulsante "modifica" di VisualEditor in Sportello Informazioni NS Help (but NOT Help_talk) (Public Domain icon) */.pageaction-Aiuto_Sportello_informazioni view.ns-12 #cabodyContent { background-image: url(//; background-verepeat: no-edit{repeat; display/* @noflip */ background-position:noneright 5em;
 /** * 2. COLOR CLASSES FOR CONTENT * ------------------------------------------------- */ /* Border colors */.borderc1 { border-color: #e9e9e9; border-width: thin; }.borderc2 { border-color: #aaaaaa; border-width: thin; }.borderc3 { border-color: #777777; border-width: thin; }.borderc4 { border-color: #000000; border-width: thin; }.borderc5 { border-color: #c00000; border-width: thin; }.borderc6 { border-color: #025e9d; border-width: thin; }.borderc7 { border-color: #008040; border-width: thin; }.borderc8 { border-color: #ffcc00; border-width: thin; } /* Used by [[Template:Welcome]]. */ /* Background colors */.backgroundc1 { background-color: #ffffff; } /* Nasconde i link "modifica" di VisualEditor nelle sezioni dello Sportello Informazioni Used by [[Template:Welcome]]. */.backgroundc2 { background-color: #f9f9f9; }.backgroundc3 { background-color: #eeeeee; }.backgroundc4 { background-color: #e0e0e0; }.backgroundc5 { background-color: #d2d2d2; }.backgroundc6 { background-color: #b7b7b7; }.backgroundc7 { background-color: #a3a3a3; }.backgroundc8 { background-color: #444455; } /** * 3. SPECIAL PAGES * ------------------------------------------------- */ /* Consistent special pagenavigation */.SpecialPageInfo { background-color: #f9f9f9; background-Aiuto_Sportello_informazioni image: url(//{khelpcenter.png); background-position: 0.8em 0.5em; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding: 0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 5.0em; border-color: #025e9d; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-bottom-width: medium; displaymargin-bottom:none1em;
.page-Aiuto_Sportello_informazioni .mw-editsection-dividerviewprevnext { display:noneblock; border: 1px solid #cccccc; background-color: #f9f9f2; padding: 0.2em 0.4em;
/** * 4. MAIN PAGE STYLING * ------------------------------------------------- */ #mainpage_topbox { background: #f9f9f9; padding: 0; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; margin: 0.2em 10px 10px;}.mainpage_boxtitle,.mainpage_hubtitle,#mainpage_pagetitle { font-size: 105%; padding: 0.4em; background-color: #interwikieeeeee;}.mainpage_boxtitle { line-completelist height: 120%;}#mainpage_pagetitle { color: #000000; font-size: 200% !important;}#mainpage_sitelinks { padding: 0.2em; text-align: center; background-color: white;}.mainpage_hubtitle { text-align: center;}.mainpage_boxcontents,.mainpage_boxcontents_small { background: #ffffff; padding: 0.2em 0.4em;}.mainpage_boxcontents_small { font-size: 95%;}.mainpage_boxcontents_title { display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid #AAA; margin-bottom: 0.5em; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; font-size: larger;}.mainpage_hubbox { width: 33%;}.mainpage_hubbox,#mainpage_newscell,#mainpage_downloadcell,#mainpage_opportunitiescell,#mainpage_featuredpagescell { padding: 0; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;}#mainpage_newscell { margin-bottom: 15px; margin-top: 0 !important;}#mainpage_newscell .mainpage_boxtitle { background-image: url(//; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 99% 0.3em; padding-right: 25px;}#mainpage_downloadcell { width: 17em; margin-bottom: 5px;}#mainpage_downloadcell .mainpage_boxtitle { background-image: url(//; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 96% 0.33em; padding-right: 25px;}#mainpage_opportunitiescell { max-width: 25em; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-top: 0 !important;}#mainpage_opportunitiescell .mainpage_boxtitle { background-image: url(//; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 98% 0.15em; padding-right: 25px;}#mainpage_featuredpagescell { max-width: 25em; margin-bottom: 15px; margin-top: 0 !important;}#mainpage_featuredpagescell .mainpage_boxtitle { background-image: url(//; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 98% 0.15em; padding-right: 25px;}/* The words '' in the title. */#mainpage_mwtitle { color: #005288;
*Hide elements on the main page. ****** [[:File:Wiki/.page-MediaWiki #lastmod,.png]] anziché quello su [[:File:Wikipediapage-logoMediaWiki #siteSub,.page-v2MediaWiki #contentSub,.page-itMediaWiki .png|commons]] + fix in attesa di [[Bugzilla:35337]]subtitle,*.page-MediaWiki #pjump-logo a to-nav,.page-MediaWiki .firstHeading {* background-image display: url("//") !importantnone;} /** } *5. WIKITABLES, WARNINGS AND OTHER SUCH STYLINGS *@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 1.5dppx) {* #p-logo a {* background-image: url("//") !important;* background-size: 136px auto;* }*}*@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 2dppx) {* #p-logo a {* background-image: url("// */ /* Custom h* styles (blue headings) */.wikitable td.hl3,.svgwikitable th.png") !important;hl3 {* background-sizecolor: 135px auto#8da7d6;* }*.wikitable td.hl1,.wikitable th.hl1 { background: #c5d8fc;}*/.wikitable td.hl2,.wikitable th.hl2 { background: #a7c1f2;}
/***** Sezione immagini thumbnail Make entire table valign=top, to replace the |valign=top| on every cell. */.vatop tr,tr.vatop,.vatop td,.vatop th { vertical-align: top;}
/* Larghezza minima thumb [[Special:diff/44094478]] General purpose "pretty (data) tables" */table.thumbinner datatable tr:hover { min background-widthcolor: 100px#a7d7f9;
/***** caratteri per i template linguistici SideBox styling *//* [[Templatediv.sideBox { position: relative; float: right; background:IPA|IPA]], [[Templatewhite; margin-left:Unicode|Unicode]], [[Template1em; border:Greco|Greco]] (polytonic) */1px solid gray;/* "Inherit" resetta i fonts per tutti i browser eccetto MSIE6 padding: 0. Il commento vuoto deve essere presente */3em; width: 200px; overflow: hidden; clear: right;}div.IPA sideBox dl { font-family padding: 0; margin: Chrysanthi Unicode, Doulos SIL, Gentium, GentiumAlt, Code2000, TITUS Cyberbit Basic, DejaVu Sans, Bitstream Vera Sans, Bitstream Cyberbit, Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, Matrix Unicode0 0 0.3em 0; font-family /**/size:inherit96%;
div.Unicode sideBox dl dt { font-family background: TITUS Cyberbit Basic, Code2000, Doulos SIL, Chrysanthi Unicode, Bitstream Cyberbit, Bitstream CyberBase, Bitstream Vera, Thryomanes, Gentium, GentiumAlt, Visual Geez Unicode, Lucida Grande, Arial Unicode MS, Microsoft Sans Serif, Lucida Sans Unicodenone; font-family /**/ margin:inherit0.4em 0 0 0;
div.polytonic sideBox dl dd { font-family margin: Athena, Gentium, Palatino Linotype, Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Code20000.1em 0 0 1.1em; font background-family /**/color:inherit#f3f3f3;
/* Stile per classi araboMajor warning - used on the main page template to warn against editing carelessly, farsi e curdo usate dai relativi template but can be used elsewhere as well */.arabo,majorwarning { background: yellow; padding: 0.farsi,3em;.curdo { text-align: center; font-size:140125%; font-family border:serif2px solid red;
/*Page headings used throughout the wiki (though not very much at the time of writing…) **** link con l'icona di un altoparlante usata dal [[Template/.page-notice,.page-warning { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; padding: 0.3em 0.5em; margin-bottom: 1em; width: 95%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align:Link audio]] */center;}
/* Informative notices at the top of pages (blue) */.audiolink apage-notice { background-color: #f9f9f9; border-color: url#025e9d; text-align: left;} /* Warning information at the top of pages ("red) *// { background-color: #ffffff; border-Loudspeaker.svg.png") center left nocolor: #c51919; border-repeat !importantwidth: 2px; padding}.pw-lefthead { color: 16px !important#c51919; padding font-rightweight: 0 !importantbold;
/** *Code conventions examples ** Coordinate geografiche (vedi Usage: [[mw:CC/JS]], [[Templatemw:CoordCC/CSS]] * <syntaxhighlight lang=".." class="tpl-code-positive"></syntaxhighlight> */ pre, pre { /* Reset default browser margin of pre (usually margin: 1em 0;) to be all around */ margin: 1em;}/* Use a double selector to override mw-highlight default background color */ { background: #fff; border: 2px solid #00af89;} { background: #fff; border: 2px solid #d33;}
N/** * 6.B. le classi "geo", "longitude" e "latitude" non sono solo stili,TEMPLATES * ------------------------------------------------- */ ma vengono riconosciute da /* [[Geo (microformat)Template:Extension]], non eliminare o rinominare[[Template:Skin]] */.tpl-infobox { border: 2px solid #aaaaaa; width: 280px; /* @noflip */ clear: right; /* @noflip */float: right; margin: 0 0 0.5em 0.5em; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: white;}.tpl-infobox td { border: 2px none #aaaaaa; padding: 0.2em 0.5em; border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0 !important;}.tpl-infobox-header { background-color: #aaaaaa; color: white; text-align: left;}.tpl-infobox-header td { padding-top: 0.5em;}.ext-infobox-header img { padding: 0 0.2em 0 0.5em;}.ext-status-unstable,.ext-status-unstable td { border-color: #990000;}.ext-status-unstable .ext-infobox-header { background-color: #990000; color: #ffff00;}.ext-status-experimental,.ext-status-experimental td { border-color: #ff4500;}.ext-status-experimental .ext-infobox-header { background-color: #ff4500;}.ext-status-beta,.ext-status-beta td { border-color: #ffba01;}.ext-status-beta .ext-infobox-header { background-color: #ffba01;}.ext-status-stable,.ext-status-stable td { border-color: #32cd32;}.ext-status-stable .ext-infobox-header { background-color: #32cd32;}.ext-status-unmaintained,.ext-status-unmaintained td { border-color: #8b4513;}.ext-status-unmaintained .ext-infobox-header { background-color: #8b4513;}.ext-status-magic,.ext-status-magic td { border-color: #fe57a1;}.ext-status-magic .ext-infobox-header { color: #000; background: #FFDBEB url(// 0 0 no-repeat;}.ext-status-magic .ext-infobox-header img { visibility: hidden; padding-right: 1em;}.skin-infobox,.skin-infobox td { border-color: #a7d7f9;}.skin-infobox-header { color: #000; background: #e2f4ff;}
/* [[Template:See also]], [[Template:rellink]] etc. */.georellink,.dablink,.mw-default tpl-rellink { display font-style: inlineitalic; } padding-bottom: 0.geo4em; padding-nondefault { displayleft: none0; }.geo margin-dms { displaybottom: inline0.4em; }.geo-dec { display color: inline#555; }.geo-multi border-punct { displaybottom: none1px solid #ccc; }
/* [[Template:Note]] */.tip,.note { padding: 0.5em; margin: 0.5em 0; overflow: hidden; background-color: #F9F9F9; background-position: 4px 2px; background-repeat: no-repeat; border: 1px solid #DDD;}.tip-info,.note-info { background-color: #F0F0E7; background-image: url(//; border-color: #cc9933; /* @noflip */ padding-left: 30px; min-height: 28px;}.longitude tip-reminder,.latitude note-reminder {white background-color: #F6FDEA; background-image: url(//; border-color: #D6E434; padding-left: 31px; min-height: 28px;}.tip-error,.note-error { background-color: #F0E7E7; background-image: url(//; border-color: #cc3333; padding-left: 32px; min-spaceheight: nowrap25px;
/* [[Template:Notice]] */.geo block-note { background-image: url(//; background-position: top left; background-repeat: no-repeat;}/* * Using block-contents in the hope that it can apply to all block-level warning templates, * with different images applied as backgrounds to the wrapping DIV. */.block-contents { display: block; padding-left: 20px;}
/*[[Template:Documentation]] **** Classi per /.template Sinottici */-documentation { clear: both; margin: 1em 0 0 0; border: 1px solid #aaa; background-color: #ecfcf4; padding: 5px;}
/* [[Template:Navbox]] */.sinottico navbox { /* Navbox container style */ border: 1px solid #aaaaaaaaa; width: 100%; margin: auto; clear: both; font-size: 88%; background text-coloralign: #f9f9f9center; padding: 01px;}.navbox-inner,.navbox-subgroup { width: 100%;}table.navbox + table.2emnavbox { /* Single pixel border between adjacent navboxes */ margin-top: -1px; font /* (doesn't work for IE6, but that's okay) */}.navbox th,.navbox-title,.navbox-abovebelow { text-sizealign: 95%center; clear /* Title and above/below styles */ padding-left: 1em; padding-right: 1em; width}th.navbox-group { /* Group style */ white-space: 280pxnowrap; float /* @noflip */ text-align: right; margin}.navbox,.navbox-subgroup { background: #fdfdfd;}.navbox-list { /* Must match background color */ border-color: #fdfdfd;}.navbox th,.navbox-title { /* Level 1 color */ background: #ccccff;}.navbox-abovebelow,th.navbox-group,.navbox-subgroup .navbox-title { /* Level 2 color */ background: #ddddff;}.navbox-subgroup .navbox-group,.navbox-subgroup .navbox-abovebelow { /* Level 3 color */ background: #e6e6ff;}.navbox-even { /* Even row striping */ background: #f7f7f7;}.navbox-odd { /* Odd row striping */ background: transparent;}.navbox .hlist td dl,.navbox .hlist td ol,.navbox .hlist td ul,.navbox td.hlist dl,.navbox td.hlist ol,.navbox td.hlist ul { /* Adjust hlist padding in navboxes */ padding: 0 .125em 0 1em ;}.navbox .hlist dd,.navbox .hlist dt,.navbox .5emhlist li { /* Nowrap list items in navboxes */ white-space: nowrap; /* IE < 8 no-wraps entire list, so disable it */ white-space: normal !ie; vertical}.navbox .hlist dd dl,.navbox .hlist dt dl,.navbox .hlist li ol,.navbox .hlist li ul { /* But allow parent list items to be wrapped */ white-alignspace: topnormal; line}ol + table.navbox,ul + table.navbox { /* Prevent lists from clinging to navboxes */ margin-heighttop: 10.4em5em;
/* [[Template:Navbar]] */.navbar { display: inline; font-size: 88%; font-weight: normal;}.sinottico th navbar ul { background display: inline; white-colorspace: #f2f2f2nowrap; padding}.navbar li { word-spacing: 0em -0.5em125em;}/* Navbar styling when nested in navbox */.navbox .navbar { display: block; font-size: 100%;}.navbox-title .navbar { /* @noflip */ float: left; /* @noflip */ text-align: left; /* @noflip */ margin-right: 0.5em; width: 6em; vertical-align}/* [[Template:Cmd]] */.cmd:before { content: "$ "; color: top#246;
/** * 7.sinottico td {SOME OTHER SMALL THINGS * ------------------------------------------------- */ /* Allow people to optionally wrap lines in source listings */ padding: 0em 0div.2em 0.2em;wrapPreLines pre { vertical white-alignspace: toppre-wrap;
.sinottico_testo_centrale /* Give a bit of space to the TOC */#toc { text-align margin: center1em 0;
/* * Allow limiting of which header levels are shown in a TOC; * <div class="toclimit-3">, for instance, will limit to * showing ==headings== and ===headings=== but no further. * Used in [[Template:TOC]] */.toclimit-2 .toclevel-1 ul,.toclimit-3 .sinottico_testata th {toclevel-2 ul, font.toclimit-size: 116%;4 .toclevel-3 ul, padding: 0.2em;toclimit-5 .toclevel-4 ul, background.toclimit-color: #dedede;6 .toclevel-5 ul, text.toclimit-align7 .toclevel-6 ul { display: centernone;
/* make the list of references look smaller and highlight clicked reference in blue */ol.references { font-size: 100%;}.sinottico_sottotitolo references-small { font-size: 8090%;}ol.references > li:target { background-color: #ddeeff;}sup.reference:target { background-color: #ddeeff;
 /* * Styling for links generated by [[MediaWiki:Edittools]] * @source * @updated 2012-02-29 */.sinottico_piede mw-charinsert-buttons { margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; padding: 1px; text-align: center; font-size: 90110%; }.mw-charinsert-buttons a { color: black; background-color: #cde !important; font-weight: bold; font-size: .9em; text-decoration: none; border: thin #069 outset; padding: 0 .1em .1em;}.mw-charinsert-buttons a:hover,.mw-charinsert-buttons a:active { background-color: #EFEFEFbcd; border-style: inset;}.client-js .mw-edittools-section { display: inline;}.client-js .mw-edittools-section input[type="button"] { font-size: 0.9em; padding-left: 1px; padding-right: 1px; margin-left: 1px;
.sinottico_piede2 { /* secondo piede con i collegamenti fissi a wikidatafrom [[User:Splarka/man Help:Linked images]] */.imagelink_wikilogo a { text-alignwidth: 135px; height: right135px; font-sizedisplay: xx-smallblock; paddingtext-bottomdecoration: 0none; background-colorimage: whiteurl(//;
/* * Infoboxes */.sinottico_divisione th infobox { float: right; clear: right; margin-bottom: 0.5em; margin-left: 1em; padding: 0.1em2em; border: 1px solid #AAA; background-color: #eeeeeeF9F9F9; text-align color: centerblack;
.sinottico_annidata infobox td ,.infobox th { /* in caso di tabella annidata in una casella, evita che le sue caselle ereditino il padding */ padding vertical-align: 0em 0emtop;
.sinottico_immagine td infobox caption { textmargin-alignleft: centerinherit; font-size: 95%; padding: 0em 0.2em; line-height: 1.2emlarger;
.sinottico ul infobox.bordered { /* elenchi più compatti all'interno dei sinottici */ padding border-collapse: 0px; margin: 0 0 0 1emcollapse;
.sinottico caption infobox.bordered td,.infobox.bordered th { font-weightborder: bold1px solid #AAA;
/***** Riquadro semplice usato per gli avvisi agli utenti */.infobox.bordered .borderless td,.infobox.bordered .borderless th { border: 0;}
/* * Apparently the namespaces parameter * for inputbox forces a checkbox.messagebox { border: 1px solid #aaa; * Let's hide it in the API sidebar */ label[for="mw-inputbox-color: ns104"],#f9f9f9; width: 80%;mw-inputbox-ns104 { margin display: 0 auto 1em auto; padding: .5emnone;
/***** Stili del template Avviso Testing for code review */tablediv.avviso mw-wordcloud { margin width: 5px 10100%; /* Non si sovrappone ad altri elementi */ border text-collapse: collapse; background: #fbfbfb; borderalign: 1px solid #aaajustify;
 .avvisomw-wordcloud-size-testo 1 { /* Corpo del messaggio */ padding color: 0.25em 0.5em#222; width font-size: 100%2.4em; /* Rende tutti i template della stessa lunghezza nonostante il testo interno */
.avvisomw-immagine wordcloud-size-2 { /* Stile dell'immagine a sinistra */ padding color: 2px 0px 2px 0.5em#333; text font-alignsize: center2.2em;
.avvisomw-immaginedestra wordcloud-size-3 { /* Stile dell'immagine a destra */ padding color: 2px 4px 2px 0px#444; text font-alignsize: center2.0em;
table.avvisomw-informazioni wordcloud-size-4 { border color: #555; font-leftsize: 10px solid #1e90ff1.8em; /* Blu */
table.avvisomw-cancella,table.avvisowordcloud-size-importante 5 { border color: #666; font-leftsize: 10px solid #b222221.6em; /* Rosso */
table.avvisomw-contenuto wordcloud-size-6 { border color: #777; font-leftsize: 10px solid #f285001.4em; /* Arancio */
table.avvisomw-stile wordcloud-size-7 { border color: #888; font-leftsize: 10px solid #f4c4301.2em; /* Giallo */
table.avvisomw-statico wordcloud-size-8 { border color: #999; font-leftsize: 10px solid limegreen1em; /* Verde */
table.avvisomw-struttura wordcloud-size-9 { border color: #aaa; font-size: 0.8em; letter-leftspacing: 10px solid #9932cc3px; /* Viola */
table.avvisomw-generico wordcloud-size-10,.mw-wordcloud-size-0 { border color: #bbb; font-leftsize: 10px solid #bba0.8em; /* Grigio */
/***** Stili per box utente @todo FIXME: document me :) *//* Allineati a quelli dell'estensione Babel. Necessari per retrocompatibilità, e perché l'estensione non viene caricata se non si usa il comando #babel nella pagina */signuptopbox li { float: left;/* equivale a mw list-babelstyle: none; font-wrapper, mwfamily: sans-babel-header */serif;}.itwiki_template_babelbox #signuptopbox li { width color:238px#3ca7d4; float background:right#c2e1f9; clear line-height:2.8em; margin-right: .25em; margin padding-right:0.5em; background}#signuptopbox,#signuptopbox div { color:white#67ca36; background: #d4f9c2; border-color:1px solid #99B3FFfff #fff #fff #67ca36;
.itwiki_template_babelbox .intestazione,#signuptopbox li div { width: 0; height: 0;.itwiki_template_babelbox th { border-color: #fff #fff #fff #3CA7D4; text border-alignstyle:centersolid; font border-weightwidth: 1.4em .3em 1.4em 1.4em; float:boldleft;
#signuptopbox li {/* equivale a mw-babel-box, mw-babel-box-3 */ display: block; width: 1.itwiki_template_babel,8em; line-height: 1.itwiki_template_babel2 {8em; background: #3ca7d4; float color:left#c2e1f9; clear text-align:leftcenter; margin:1px.5em; width -webkit-border-radius: 50%; -moz-border-radius:238px50%; background -ms-border-colorradius:#E0E8FF50%; -o-border-radius:1px solid #99B3FF50%; /* non presenti in mw border-babelradius: 50%; font-box, ma generati in linea dall'estensione weight: 600; float: left;}#babel */signuptopbox { padding background:0#67ca36; border-spacing color:0#d4f9c2;
.itwiki_template_babel .sigla,.itwiki_template_babel2 .sigla,.itwiki_template_babel th,.itwiki_template_babel2 th #signuptopbox li span { width:45px; height:45px; font-size:14pt; font-family:monospace; background-color:#99B3FF; /* i seguenti servono per retrocompatibilità, se si usa un td con "sigla" anziché un th */ padding:0; text-align:center; font-weight float:boldleft;
#signuptopbox li.itwiki_template_babel td,.itwiki_template_babel2 td pr-spacer { font-size:8pt; padding:4pt0; line-height:1.25em
/***** Stili per template vari Breadcrumb code */ .itwiki_template_avviso breadcrumb { clear list-style:bothnone; text-align overflow:lefthidden; background font: 14px Helvetica, Arial, sans-colorserif;}.breadcrumb li { float: #EEF8FFleft; padding margin-bottom: 0.5em;
.itwiki_template_avviso .intestazione breadcrumb li a { font color: white; text-weightdecoration: none; padding: 10px 0 10px 45px; position: relative; display: block; float:boldleft;
.itwiki_template_toc breadcrumb li a:after { content: " "; display: block; width: 0; height: 0; /* Go big on the size, and let overflow hide */ border-top: 1px 50px solid #aaaaaatransparent; background border-colorbottom: 50px solid transparent; position: #f9f9f9absolute; padding top: 0px50%; font margin-top: -size50px; left: 95100%; z-index: 2;
/***** classi per arrotondare i bordi dei div e delle tabelle */.radius breadcrumb li a:before { content: " "; display: block; width: 0; height: 0; border-radiustop: 1em50px solid transparent; border-mozbottom: 50px solid transparent; border-borderleft: 31px solid white; position: absolute; top: 50%; margin-top: -50px; margin-left: 1px; left: 100%; z-radiusindex: 1em1;
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 .rad currentcrumb a:after { border-radius: .5em; -moz- border-radiusleft: .5em30px solid #069;
/***** Per elementi che non vanno stampati */.currentcrumb a:hover,@media print {.prevcrumb a:hover, .noprint nextcrumb a:hover { display background: none }#002d44;
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/***** Stili per i box che si visualizzano al passaggio del mouse Licenza: GFDL e Creative Commons Attribution 2.5*/.HopContentprevcrumb a { display background:none#396;
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/***** Evita che i link vadano a capo */.nowraplinks nextcrumb a { white-space background: nowrap#999;
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/*For templates in Category:VisualEditor tests templates **** Imposta l'aspetto dei link mostra/nascondi con i div del cassetto */div.cassetto tt.mwve-collapsibletyping-toggle test { font-weight color: normalwhite; text background-aligncolor: rightblack; width padding: 7em0 1em 0 1em;
/** *Style for horizontal lists (separator following item). *@source * Mostra i tab nei codici sorgente come 4 spazi anziché 8 */@revision 6 (2014-05-09)/ * vedi @author [[BugzillaUser:57824Edokter]] e [[Bugzilla */.hlist dl,.hlist ol,.hlist ul { margin: 0; padding: 0;}/* Display list items inline */.hlist dd,.hlist dt,.hlist li { margin: 0; display:57825]] inline;}/* Display nested lists inline */ divhlist.inline,.hlist.inline dl,.hlist.inline ol,.hlist.inline ul, div prehlist dl dl, .hlist dl ol, .hlist dl ul, ol dl, .hlist ol ol, .hlist ol ul,pre.source-csshlist ul dl, .hlist ul ol,.hlist ul ul { display: inline;}/* Generate interpuncts */pre.source-javascripthlist dt:after { content: ": ";}.hlist dd:after,pre.source-lua hlist li:after { content: " · "; font-moz-tab-sizeweight: 4bold; }.hlist dd:last-ochild:after,.hlist dt:last-tabchild:after,.hlist li:last-sizechild: 4;after { tab-sizecontent: 4none;
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content: " (";
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content: ") ";
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counter-increment: listitem;
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content: " " counter(listitem) " ";
white-space: nowrap;
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content: " (" counter(listitem) " ";
/* end hlist */
/***** evita di grassettareBanner - Wikivoyage - Used to test MediaWiki/Homepage redesign/ingrandire i numeri delle note quando si trovano in un titolo Preview */ .reference banner-image {font position: relative; overflow: hidden; max-width: 1800px; height: auto; margin-bottom: .6em;}.banner-image img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; width: auto\9;}.banner-box { position: absolute; z-index: 2; margin-top: 2.5em; color: white; min-width: 20em; text-shadow: black 0.3em 0.3em 1em,black -0.1em -0.1em 1em;}.banner-box-wide { width: 80% }.banner-box-left { left: 5%; text-align: left;}.banner-box-right { right: 5%; text-weightalign: normalright; }.banner-box .name { font-size: 03em; white-space: nowrap; line-height: 1.7rem2em; }.banner-box .type { font-familysize: 2em; line-height: sans1.2em;} .mf-serifmobile-only,.lqt-talkpage-search { display: none;}
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/* estende supporto alle colonne responsive */.responsivemw-body .phui-columns tag a.external { display background-image: none; padding-mozright: 0; text-boxdecoration: none; color: black; /* Firefox 2 font- 27 */weight: bold;

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