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O Gloriosa Domina (Hymnus)

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; '''Traduzione in lingua italiana'''Testo<br ref>La Nuova BQ,</ref>O gloriosa Signora, <br / >che t’innalzi sopra le stelle, <br / >tu nutri col tuo seno <br / >Chi nella provvidenza ti creò. <br / 2. > Ciò che Eva purtroppo ci tolse <br / >tu ridoni per mezzo del Figlio tuo; <br / >come pallide stelle si avanzino i poveri; <br / >si è aperta una finestra nel cielo. <br / 3. > Tu sei la porta del Re del cielo, <br / >la porta di una fulgida luce; <br / >o genti redente, applaudite <br / >alla vita data dalla Vergine. <br / 4. > Sia gloria al Padre, al Paraclito, <br / >e al Figlio tuo, <br / >i quali ti rivestirono <br / >di un abito meraviglioso di grazia. <br /> Amen
; '''English Translation'''<ref></ref>O HEAVEN'S glorious mistress,<br />enthron'd above the starry sky!<br />thou feedest with thy sacred breast<br />thy own Creator, Lord most high.<br /> What man had lost in hapless Eve,<br />thy sacred womb to man restores,<br />thou to the wretched here beneath<br />hast open'd Heaven's eternal doors.<br /> Hail, O refulgent Hall of light!<br />TextHail Gate august of Heaven's high King!<br />through thee redeem'd to endless life,<br />thy praise let all the nations sing.<br /> To the Father and the Spirit<br />and to thy Son all glory be,<br />who with a wonderous garment<br />of graces encircled thee.<br /> Amen.
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== Video ==
Versione tratta daxxxdal ''Liber Hymnarius'', p1983, pag. yyy257, cantata dalla ''Nova Schola Gregoriana'' diretta da zzzMons. Alberto Turco.
== Codice sorgente GABC ==
codicename:O gloriosa domina;office-part:Hymnus;mode:2;book:Liber Hymnarius, 1983, p. 257;transcriber:carolus7;%%(c4) O(h) glo(hhg)ri(ed)ó(g)sa(hj) dó(ji)mi(hi)na,(i'_) (,)ex(k)cél(kj)sa(i) su(ji)per(h) sí(ih)de(gh)ra,(h.) (;)qui(k) te(k) cre(i)á(k)vit(klk) pró(j)vi(i)de,(hiHG_') (,)lac(i)tas(jk) sa(i)crá(ji)to(h) ú(ih)be(gh)re.(h.) (::)2. Quod(h) E(hhg)va(ed) tris(g)tis(hj) ábs(ji)tu(hi)lit,(i'_) (,)tu(k) red(kj)dis(i) al(ji)mo(h) gér(ih)mi(gh)ne;(h.) (;)in(k)trent(k) ut(i) as(k)tra(klk) flé(j)bi(i)les,(hiHG_') (,)ster(i)nis(jk) be(i)ní(ji)gna(h) sé(ih)mi(gh)tam.(h.) (::) 3. Tu(h) re(hhg)gis(ed) al(g)ti(hj) iá(ji)nu(hi)a(i'_) (,)et(k) por(kj)ta(i) lu(ji)cis(h) fúl(ih)gi(gh)da;(h.) (;)vi(k)tam(k) da(i)tam(k) per(klk) Vír(j)gi(i)nem,(hiHG_') (,)gen(i)tes(jk) red(i)émp(ji)tæ,(h) pláu(ih)di(gh)te.(h.) (::) 4. Pa(h)tri(hhg) sit(ed) et(g) Pa(hj)rá(ji)cli(hi)to(i'_) (,)tu(k)ó(kj)que(i) Na(ji)to(h) gló(ih)ri(gh)a,(h.) (;)qui(k) ves(k)te(i) te(k) mi(klk)rá(j)bi(i)li(hiHG_') (,)cir(i)cum(jk)de(i)dé(ji)runt(h) grá(ih)ti(gh)æ.(h.) (::)A(hih)men.(g.h.) (::)

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